Prio | Chaîne originale | Traduction | — |
If you disable the profile - it will be removed from these forms and/ormodules. Do you want to continue? | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you disable the profile - it will be removed from these forms and/ormodules. Do you want to continue?
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If you create only an <strong>HTML</strong> version, CiviMail willautomatically create a <strong>TEXT</strong> version for your recipientswho have chosen NOT to receive HTML email. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you create only an <strong>HTML</strong> version, CiviMail willautomatically create a <strong>TEXT</strong> version for your recipientswho have chosen NOT to receive HTML email.
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If you choose to compose on the screen, a basic WYSIWYG(what-you-see-is-what-you-get) editor is provided which you can use createsimple HTML messages. However, if you are planning on creating HTMLmessages with complex layouts, it is best to use an HTML editor on yourlocal computer. Then locate and upload the saved file(s) by clicking the<strong>Browse</strong> button. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you choose to compose on the screen, a basic WYSIWYG(what-you-see-is-what-you-get) editor is provided which you can use createsimple HTML messages. However, if you are planning on creating HTMLmessages with complex layouts, it is best to use an HTML editor on yourlocal computer. Then locate and upload the saved file(s) by clicking the<strong>Browse</strong> button.
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If you choose Redirect to Database, all emails will be recorded as archivedmailings instead of being sent out. They can be found in thecivicrm_mailing_spool table in the CiviCRM database. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you choose Redirect to Database, all emails will be recorded as archivedmailings instead of being sent out. They can be found in thecivicrm_mailing_spool table in the CiviCRM database.
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If you are using this profile as a search form, you can choose to includeproximity searching. When enabled, a proximity search block will be addedto the search criteria. This block will contain fields to set the proximitystart address, and a field to set a 'Radius' (distance from that address). | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you are using this profile as a search form, you can choose to includeproximity searching. When enabled, a proximity search block will be addedto the search criteria. This block will contain fields to set the proximitystart address, and a field to set a 'Radius' (distance from that address).
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If you are using this profile as a contact signup or edit form, and want toredirect the user to a static URL if they click the Cancel button - enterthe complete URL here. If this field is left blank, the built-in Profileform will be redisplayed. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you are using this profile as a contact signup or edit form, and want toredirect the user to a static URL if they click the Cancel button - enterthe complete URL here. If this field is left blank, the built-in Profileform will be redisplayed.
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If you are using this profile as a contact signup or edit form, and want toredirect the user to a static URL after they've submitted the form, you canalso use contact tokens in URL - enter the complete URL here. If this fieldis left blank, the built-in Profile form will be redisplayed with a genericstatus message - 'Your contact information has been saved.' | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you are using this profile as a contact signup or edit form, and want toredirect the user to a static URL after they've submitted the form, you canalso use contact tokens in URL - enter the complete URL here. If this fieldis left blank, the built-in Profile form will be redisplayed with a genericstatus message - 'Your contact information has been saved.'
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If you are using this profile as a contact signup form, using it in anonline contribution page OR an event registration page, anonymous userswill be given the option to create a %1 User Account as part of completingthe form. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you are using this profile as a contact signup form, using it in anonline contribution page OR an event registration page, anonymous userswill be given the option to create a %1 User Account as part of completingthe form.
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If you are using the profile as a contact signup and editing form - thisoption controls what happens if the data matches an existing contactrecord. Using this option user can update the matching record or create aduplicate record or otherwise he will get a 'duplicate record' warning, andtheir input will not be saved. Contact matching is based on your configured'Strict' rule for identifying duplicate contacts. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you are using the profile as a contact signup and editing form - thisoption controls what happens if the data matches an existing contactrecord. Using this option user can update the matching record or create aduplicate record or otherwise he will get a 'duplicate record' warning, andtheir input will not be saved. Contact matching is based on your configured'Strict' rule for identifying duplicate contacts.
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If you are using the CiviMail component to send mailings to contacts, thisfield provides additional control over which email address is used. Bydefault, CiviMail sends mail to each contact's preferred email address. Ifthe contact has multiple locations, then the preferred email of the primarylocation is used. However, if the contact prefers to have CiviMail ('bulk')mailings set to an alternate email address - check the 'Use for BulkMailings' box next to that email address. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you are using the CiviMail component to send mailings to contacts, thisfield provides additional control over which email address is used. Bydefault, CiviMail sends mail to each contact's preferred email address. Ifthe contact has multiple locations, then the preferred email of the primarylocation is used. However, if the contact prefers to have CiviMail ('bulk')mailings set to an alternate email address - check the 'Use for BulkMailings' box next to that email address.
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If you are using mail-merge tokens, check that they have been replaced withexpected values. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you are using mail-merge tokens, check that they have been replaced withexpected values.
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If you are searching by pledger name, check your spelling or use fewerletters. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you are searching by pledger name, check your spelling or use fewerletters.
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If you are searching by activity name, check your spelling or use fewerletters. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you are searching by activity name, check your spelling or use fewerletters.
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If you are planning on using this field in front-end profile, eventregistration or contribution forms, you should 'Limit List to Group' orconfigure an 'Advanced Filter' (so that you do not unintentionally exposeyour entire set of contacts). Users must have either 'access contactreference fields' OR 'access CiviCRM' permission in order to use contactreference autocomplete fields. You can assign 'access contact referencefields' to the anonymous role if you want un-authenticated visitors to usethis field. Use <a href='%1'>Search Preferences - Contact ReferenceOptions</a> to control the fields included in the search results. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you are planning on using this field in front-end profile, eventregistration or contribution forms, you should 'Limit List to Group' orconfigure an 'Advanced Filter' (so that you do not unintentionally exposeyour entire set of contacts). Users must have either 'access contactreference fields' OR 'access CiviCRM' permission in order to use contactreference autocomplete fields. You can assign 'access contact referencefields' to the anonymous role if you want un-authenticated visitors to usethis field. Use <a href='%1'>Search Preferences - Contact ReferenceOptions</a> to control the fields included in the search results.
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If you are moving participants from "On waitlist" to "Pending fromwaitlist" status, make sure there are available spaces for the event. Anemail with a link to confirm their registration will be automatically sent.However, they will only be allowed to complete their registration if theevent is not full (e.g. the number of registered participants is less thanthe maximum number of participants configured for the event). | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you are moving participants from "On waitlist" to "Pending fromwaitlist" status, make sure there are available spaces for the event. Anemail with a link to confirm their registration will be automatically sent.However, they will only be allowed to complete their registration if theevent is not full (e.g. the number of registered participants is less thanthe maximum number of participants configured for the event).
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