
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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CiviMail mailings must include the sending organization's address. This isdone by putting the %1 token in either the body or footer of the mailing.This token may also be used in regular 'Email - send now' messages and inother Message Templates. The token is replaced by the address entered belowwhen the message is sent. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviMail mailings must include the sending organization's address. This isdone by putting the %1 token in either the body or footer of the mailing.This token may also be used in regular 'Email - send now' messages and inother Message Templates. The token is replaced by the address entered belowwhen the message is sent.

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CiviMail email messages must include an <strong>opt-out</strong> link("Opt out via web page"), and the <strong>postal address</strong> of yourorganization. These elements help reduce the chances of your email beingcategorized as SPAM. They can be included in the main message body OR in are-usable <strong>message footer</strong>. Refer to the onlinedocumentation for details on how to include required links and contactinformation as well as sample messages. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviMail email messages must include an <strong>opt-out</strong> link("Opt out via web page"), and the <strong>postal address</strong> of yourorganization. These elements help reduce the chances of your email beingcategorized as SPAM. They can be included in the main message body OR in are-usable <strong>message footer</strong>. Refer to the onlinedocumentation for details on how to include required links and contactinformation as well as sample messages.

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CiviMail automatically fetches recipient list and count whenever mailinggroups are included or excluded while composing bulk mail. This phenomenamay degrade performance for large sites, so disable this setting to buildand fetch recipients for selected groups, manually. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviMail automatically fetches recipient list and count whenever mailinggroups are included or excluded while composing bulk mail. This phenomenamay degrade performance for large sites, so disable this setting to buildand fetch recipients for selected groups, manually.

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CiviGroup Roles Sync installed. You will need to specify sync rules !1. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviGroup Roles Sync installed. You will need to specify sync rules !1.

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CiviGroup Roles Sync Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviGroup Roles Sync

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CiviGrant allows you to input and track grants to Organizations,Individuals or Households. The grantee must first be entered as a contactin CiviCRM. Use <a href='%1'>Find Contacts</a> to see if there's already arecord for the grantee. Once you've located or created the contact record,click <strong>View</strong> to go to their summary page, select the<strong>Grants</strong> tab and click <strong>New Grant</strong>. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviGrant allows you to input and track grants to Organizations,Individuals or Households. The grantee must first be entered as a contactin CiviCRM. Use <a href='%1'>Find Contacts</a> to see if there's already arecord for the grantee. Once you've located or created the contact record,click <strong>View</strong> to go to their summary page, select the<strong>Grants</strong> tab and click <strong>New Grant</strong>.

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CiviEvent provides a page which lists your current and future public eventsin a table layout for display in a browser. Point people to this page usingthe following URL: Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviEvent provides a page which lists your current and future public eventsin a table layout for display in a browser. Point people to this page usingthe following URL:

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CiviEvent also creates an RSS 2.0 formatted feed which can be subscribed topeople using RSS readers and can be displayed in most modern browsers. TheRSS Feed URL for CiviEvent on this site: Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviEvent also creates an RSS 2.0 formatted feed which can be subscribed topeople using RSS readers and can be displayed in most modern browsers. TheRSS Feed URL for CiviEvent on this site:

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CiviEvent allows you to create customized page(s) for constituents to learnabout events and optionally register online. You can create <ahref='%1'><strong>new events</strong></a> and <a href='%2'><strong>manageexisting events</strong></a>. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviEvent allows you to create customized page(s) for constituents to learnabout events and optionally register online. You can create <ahref='%1'><strong>new events</strong></a> and <a href='%2'><strong>manageexisting events</strong></a>.

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CiviContribute widgets allow you and your supporters to easily promote thisfund-raising campaign. Widget code can be added to any web page.  It willprovide a real-time display of current contribution results and a directlink to this contribution page. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviContribute widgets allow you and your supporters to easily promote thisfund-raising campaign. Widget code can be added to any web page.  It willprovide a real-time display of current contribution results and a directlink to this contribution page.

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CiviContribute allows you to create customized page(s) for collectingonline contributions. You can also input and track offline contributions.To enter contributions manually for individual contacts, use <ahref='%1'>Find Contacts</a> to locate the contact. Then click<strong>View</strong> to go to their summary page and click on the<strong>New Contribution</strong> link. You can also <a href='%2'>importbatches of offline contributions</a> from other sources. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviContribute allows you to create customized page(s) for collectingonline contributions. You can also input and track offline contributions.To enter contributions manually for individual contacts, use <ahref='%1'>Find Contacts</a> to locate the contact. Then click<strong>View</strong> to go to their summary page and click on the<strong>New Contribution</strong> link. You can also <a href='%2'>importbatches of offline contributions</a> from other sources.

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CiviContribute allows you to create and maintain any number of OnlineContribution Pages. You can create different pages for different programsor campaigns, and you can customize text, amounts, types of informationcollected from contributors, etc. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviContribute allows you to create and maintain any number of OnlineContribution Pages. You can create different pages for different programsor campaigns, and you can customize text, amounts, types of informationcollected from contributors, etc.

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CiviContribute allows you to configure any number of<strong>Premiums</strong> which can be offered to contributors asincentives / thank-you gifts. Premiums may be tangible items (i.e. a coffeemug or t-shirt), or they may be a membership or subscription with apre-determined duration. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviContribute allows you to configure any number of<strong>Premiums</strong> which can be offered to contributors asincentives / thank-you gifts. Premiums may be tangible items (i.e. a coffeemug or t-shirt), or they may be a membership or subscription with apre-determined duration.

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CiviCRM will in the future require the extension %1 for CiviCRM Reports towork correctly with the Financial Type ACLs. The extension can bedownloaded <a href="%2">here</a> Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviCRM will in the future require the extension %1 for CiviCRM Reports towork correctly with the Financial Type ACLs. The extension can bedownloaded <a href="%2">here</a>

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CiviCRM will check each user record for a contact record. A new contactrecord will be created for each user where one does not already exist. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviCRM will check each user record for a contact record. A new contactrecord will be created for each user where one does not already exist.

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1 165 166 167 168 169 1243

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