
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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You can schedule Mass SMS to be sent starting at a specific date and time,OR you can request that they be sent as soon as possible by checking"Send Immediately". Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can schedule Mass SMS to be sent starting at a specific date and time,OR you can request that they be sent as soon as possible by checking"Send Immediately".

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You can re-enable it by visiting the <a %1>CKEditor Config</a> screen andsetting "fullPage = true" under the Advanced Options of the CiviMailpreset. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can re-enable it by visiting the <a %1>CKEditor Config</a> screen andsetting "fullPage = true" under the Advanced Options of the CiviMailpreset.

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You can optionally set an "active date range" for this contribution page.These dates are currently used by the "Contribution Widget" and"Personal Campaign Pages". The widget will give a "Campaign is over"message if it is accessed outside of the specified range. The "Donate"button will be hidden on Personal Campaign Pages if accessed outside of thespecified range. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can optionally set an "active date range" for this contribution page.These dates are currently used by the "Contribution Widget" and"Personal Campaign Pages". The widget will give a "Campaign is over"message if it is accessed outside of the specified range. The "Donate"button will be hidden on Personal Campaign Pages if accessed outside of thespecified range.

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You can optionally assign this activity to someone. Assigned activitieswill appear in their Activities listing at CiviCRM Home. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can optionally assign this activity to someone. Assigned activitieswill appear in their Activities listing at CiviCRM Home.

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You can only configure one 'Unsupervised' and one 'Supervised' rule foreach contact type, but you can configure any number of additional 'General'rules to provide other criteria to scan for possible duplicates. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can only configure one 'Unsupervised' and one 'Supervised' rule foreach contact type, but you can configure any number of additional 'General'rules to provide other criteria to scan for possible duplicates.

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You can notify event organizers of each online registration by specifyingone or more email addresses to receive a carbon copy (cc). Multiple emailaddresses should be separated by a comma (e.g., Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can notify event organizers of each online registration by specifyingone or more email addresses to receive a carbon copy (cc). Multiple emailaddresses should be separated by a comma (e.g.,

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You can not mark fields as Searchable in a profile that contains fields formultiple record types. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can not mark fields as Searchable in a profile that contains fields formultiple record types.

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You can not mark a field as a Result Column in a profile that containsfields from multiple record types. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can not mark a field as a Result Column in a profile that containsfields from multiple record types.

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You can not have the same Status Rule registered as both "Current" and"Expired". Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can not have the same Status Rule registered as both "Current" and"Expired".

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You can not delete this case type -- it is assigned to %1 existing caserecord(s). If you do not want this case type to be used going forward,consider disabling it instead. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can not delete this case type -- it is assigned to %1 existing caserecord(s). If you do not want this case type to be used going forward,consider disabling it instead.

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You can modify the names of the built-in contact types (Individual,Household, Organizations), and you can create or modify "contactsubtypes" for more specific uses (e.g. Student, Parent, Team, etc.). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can modify the names of the built-in contact types (Individual,Household, Organizations), and you can create or modify "contactsubtypes" for more specific uses (e.g. Student, Parent, Team, etc.).

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You can modify the look and feel of CiviCRM by adding your own stylesheet.For small to medium sized modifications, use your css file to override someof the styles in civicrm.css. Or if you need to make drastic changes, youcan choose to disable civicrm.css completely. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can modify the look and feel of CiviCRM by adding your own stylesheet.For small to medium sized modifications, use your css file to override someof the styles in civicrm.css. Or if you need to make drastic changes, youcan choose to disable civicrm.css completely.

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You can make this report instance available for users to include in theirCiviCRM 'Home Dashboard' by checking this box. Users with appropriatepermissions will see the report in the 'Available Dashlets' box when they'Configure' their dashboard. If you want to make a graphic version of thereport available, select the desired 'View' and click 'Update Report'. Youmay want to create a set of report instances specifically for use asdashlets (and you can choose to NOT include them in the navigation menu ifyou want to distinguish these from the reports that users typically utilizein full screen mode). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can make this report instance available for users to include in theirCiviCRM 'Home Dashboard' by checking this box. Users with appropriatepermissions will see the report in the 'Available Dashlets' box when they'Configure' their dashboard. If you want to make a graphic version of thereport available, select the desired 'View' and click 'Update Report'. Youmay want to create a set of report instances specifically for use asdashlets (and you can choose to NOT include them in the navigation menu ifyou want to distinguish these from the reports that users typically utilizein full screen mode).

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You can limit the recipient of the reminder to contacts with the specifiedpreferred language. You can also choose to add contacts that have nopreferred language defined. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can limit the recipient of the reminder to contacts with the specifiedpreferred language. You can also choose to add contacts that have nopreferred language defined.

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You can include auto-renew membership choices for only one price field in aprice set. Another field in this set already contains one or moreauto-renew membership options. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can include auto-renew membership choices for only one price field in aprice set. Another field in this set already contains one or moreauto-renew membership options.

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non traduite
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1 21 22 23 24 25 1243

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