
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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1 22 23 24 25 26 1243
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You can include a column with each contributor's <strong>Internal ContactID</strong>. This is the unique ID assigned by CiviCRM which is displayedat the bottom of the Contact Summary screen and can be exported. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can include a column with each contributor's <strong>Internal ContactID</strong>. This is the unique ID assigned by CiviCRM which is displayedat the bottom of the Contact Summary screen and can be exported.

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You can include a column with each contact's <strong>Internal ContactID</strong>. This is the unique ID assigned by CiviCRM which is displayedat the bottom of the Contact Summary screen - and can be exported. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can include a column with each contact's <strong>Internal ContactID</strong>. This is the unique ID assigned by CiviCRM which is displayedat the bottom of the Contact Summary screen - and can be exported.

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You can import records from a <strong>comma-separated-values format(CSV)</strong> file, or using a <strong>SQL query</strong>. See "ChooseData Source" help below for more information. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can import records from a <strong>comma-separated-values format(CSV)</strong> file, or using a <strong>SQL query</strong>. See "ChooseData Source" help below for more information.

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You can give this premium a picture that will be displayed on thecontribution page. Both a 50 x 50 pixel thumbnail image and a 200 x 200pixel larger image will be displayed. Images must be in GIF, JPEG, or PNGformat. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can give this premium a picture that will be displayed on thecontribution page. Both a 50 x 50 pixel thumbnail image and a 200 x 200pixel larger image will be displayed. Images must be in GIF, JPEG, or PNGformat.

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You can either <strong>upload</strong> the sms content from your computerOR <strong>compose</strong> the content on this screen. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can either <strong>upload</strong> the sms content from your computerOR <strong>compose</strong> the content on this screen.

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You can edit the Name and Description for this group here. Click <a%1>Contacts in this Group</a> to view, add or remove contacts in thisgroup. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can edit the Name and Description for this group here. Click <a%1>Contacts in this Group</a> to view, add or remove contacts in thisgroup.

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You can define as many additional relationships types as needed to coverthe types of relationships you want to track. Once a relationship type iscreated, you may also define custom fields to extend relationshipinformation for that type from <a href='%1'>Administer CiviCRM &raquo;Custom Data</a>. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can define as many additional relationships types as needed to coverthe types of relationships you want to track. Once a relationship type iscreated, you may also define custom fields to extend relationshipinformation for that type from <a href='%1'>Administer CiviCRM &raquo;Custom Data</a>.

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You can customize the CiviCRM navigation menu bar to better meet the needsof your users. You can: Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can customize the CiviCRM navigation menu bar to better meet the needsof your users. You can:

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You can create reports by selecting from the <a href="%1">list of reporttemplates here.</a> Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can create reports by selecting from the <a href="%1">list of reporttemplates here.</a>

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You can create new result options for this survey, or select an existingsurvey result set which you've already created for another survey. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can create new result options for this survey, or select an existingsurvey result set which you've already created for another survey.

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You can create new multiple choice options for this field, or select anexisting set of options which you've already created for another customfield. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can create new multiple choice options for this field, or select anexisting set of options which you've already created for another customfield.

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You can control the web page that someone is directed to AFTER completingthe form by modifying the contents of the hidden <strong>postURL</strong>input field. Replace the default value with any valid complete URL prior tosaving the form code to the desired page(s). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can control the web page that someone is directed to AFTER completingthe form by modifying the contents of the hidden <strong>postURL</strong>input field. Replace the default value with any valid complete URL prior tosaving the form code to the desired page(s).

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You can control access to this report by selecting a 'Permission' from thelist, or selecting one or more Roles. For example, you might select<em>access CiviContribute</em> for contribution reports (e.g. the samepeople who can see contribution data would also have access to the report).You can also prevent users from modifying the default report criteria andfilters for reports by NOT giving them <em>access Report Criteria</em>permission. Those users will be able to run the report - but only with thecriteria and filters that you've established for them. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can control access to this report by selecting a 'Permission' from thelist, or selecting one or more Roles. For example, you might select<em>access CiviContribute</em> for contribution reports (e.g. the samepeople who can see contribution data would also have access to the report).You can also prevent users from modifying the default report criteria andfilters for reports by NOT giving them <em>access Report Criteria</em>permission. Those users will be able to run the report - but only with thecriteria and filters that you've established for them.

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You can configure scheduled jobs (cron tasks) for your CiviCRMinstallation. For most sites, your system administrator should set up oneor more 'cron' tasks to run the enabled jobs. However, you can also <ahref="%1">run all scheduled jobs manually</a>, or run specific jobs fromthis screen (click 'more' and then 'Execute Now'). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can configure scheduled jobs (cron tasks) for your CiviCRMinstallation. For most sites, your system administrator should set up oneor more 'cron' tasks to run the enabled jobs. However, you can also <ahref="%1">run all scheduled jobs manually</a>, or run specific jobs fromthis screen (click 'more' and then 'Execute Now').

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You can configure one or more Payment Processors for your CiviCRMinstallation. You must then assign an active Payment Processor to each<strong>Online Contribution Page</strong> and each paid<strong>Event</strong>. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can configure one or more Payment Processors for your CiviCRMinstallation. You must then assign an active Payment Processor to each<strong>Online Contribution Page</strong> and each paid<strong>Event</strong>.

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1 22 23 24 25 26 1243

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