
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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You can also use the additional parameters shown above to filter the eventsincluded in the RSS feed. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can also use the additional parameters shown above to filter the eventsincluded in the RSS feed.

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You can also use message templates for CiviMail (bulk email) content.However, subscribe, unsubscribe and opt-out messages are configured at <ahref="%1">Administer > CiviMail > Headers, Footers and AutomatedMessages</a>. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can also use message templates for CiviMail (bulk email) content.However, subscribe, unsubscribe and opt-out messages are configured at <ahref="%1">Administer > CiviMail > Headers, Footers and AutomatedMessages</a>.

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You can also set the maximum number of records which can be recorded percontact. Using the previous example, you might only want data for the threemost recent jobs. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can also set the maximum number of records which can be recorded percontact. Using the previous example, you might only want data for the threemost recent jobs.

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You can also set a <strong>Length</strong> value which determines how manycharacters in the field should be compared. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can also set a <strong>Length</strong> value which determines how manycharacters in the field should be compared.

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You can also place additional links (or menu items) allowing constituentsto create their own fundraising pages using the following URL: Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can also place additional links (or menu items) allowing constituentsto create their own fundraising pages using the following URL:

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You can also input and track offline Events. To enter events manually forindividual contacts, use <a href='%1'>Find Contacts</a> to locate thecontact. Then click <strong>View</strong> to go to their summary page andclick on the <strong>New Event</strong> link. You can also <ahref='%2'><strong>import batches of participants</strong></a> from othersources. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can also input and track offline Events. To enter events manually forindividual contacts, use <a href='%1'>Find Contacts</a> to locate thecontact. Then click <strong>View</strong> to go to their summary page andclick on the <strong>New Event</strong> link. You can also <ahref='%2'><strong>import batches of participants</strong></a> from othersources.

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You can also input and track membership sign-ups offline. To recordmemberships manually for individual contacts, use <a href="%1">FindContacts</a> to locate the contact. Then click <strong>View</strong> to goto their summary page and click on the <strong>New Membership</strong>link. You can also <a href="%2">import batches of membership records</a>from other sources. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can also input and track membership sign-ups offline. To recordmemberships manually for individual contacts, use <a href="%1">FindContacts</a> to locate the contact. Then click <strong>View</strong> to goto their summary page and click on the <strong>New Membership</strong>link. You can also <a href="%2">import batches of membership records</a>from other sources.

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You can also include general email and/or phone contact information inmailings. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can also include general email and/or phone contact information inmailings.

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You can also include general email and/or phone contact information inmailings by filling in the fields below, and then using the %2 and %3tokens in your mailings. These are particularly useful for inclusion inpre-configured mailing <a href='%1'>Headers or Footers</a>. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can also include general email and/or phone contact information inmailings by filling in the fields below, and then using the %2 and %3tokens in your mailings. These are particularly useful for inclusion inpre-configured mailing <a href='%1'>Headers or Footers</a>.

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You can also create front-end links (or menu items) allowing constituentsto create their own fundraising pages using the Menu Manager. Select<strong>Contributions &raquo; Personal Campaign Pages</strong> and thenselect this event. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can also create front-end links (or menu items) allowing constituentsto create their own fundraising pages using the Menu Manager. Select<strong>Contributions &raquo; Personal Campaign Pages</strong> and thenselect this event.

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You can also create additional sets of criteria: <em>Also include contactswhere... State IS California AND City IS Los Angeles AND Birth Date islater than (>) Jan 1, 1985</em> Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can also create additional sets of criteria: <em>Also include contactswhere... State IS California AND City IS Los Angeles AND Birth Date islater than (>) Jan 1, 1985</em>

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You can also click a letter on the <strong>A-to-Z bar</strong> to quicklyfind all groups starting with that letter. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can also click a letter on the <strong>A-to-Z bar</strong> to quicklyfind all groups starting with that letter.

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You can also allow people to choose a Role by creating a Profile with theParticipant Role field. Then include that Profile when you configure theOnline Registration page for this event. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can also allow people to choose a Role by creating a Profile with theParticipant Role field. Then include that Profile when you configure theOnline Registration page for this event.

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You can also add contacts to a smart group directly - regardless of whetherthey meet the smart group search criteria. For example, you might have asmart group for constituents who live in a certain locality, AND might havea few constituents who want to stay informed about events in that localityeven though they no longer live there. Click this button to add contactsdirectly to this smart group. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can also add contacts to a smart group directly - regardless of whetherthey meet the smart group search criteria. For example, you might have asmart group for constituents who live in a certain locality, AND might havea few constituents who want to stay informed about events in that localityeven though they no longer live there. Click this button to add contactsdirectly to this smart group.

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You can also <strong>Upload</strong> the content stored in the files. ORyou can <strong>Compose</strong> content directly on the screen. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can also <strong>Upload</strong> the content stored in the files. ORyou can <strong>Compose</strong> content directly on the screen.

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1 24 25 26 27 28 1243

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