
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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1 138 139 140 141 142 1243
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Go to <a href='%1'>Administer CiviCRM &raquo; System Settings &raquo; SMSProviders</a> to add or edit the provider. Make sure these Providers arevalid. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Go to <a href='%1'>Administer CiviCRM &raquo; System Settings &raquo; SMSProviders</a> to add or edit the provider. Make sure these Providers arevalid.

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Statut :
non traduite
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Go to <a href='%1'>Administer CiviCRM &raquo; System Settings &raquo; SMSProviders</a> to add or edit SMS Provider. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Go to <a href='%1'>Administer CiviCRM &raquo; System Settings &raquo; SMSProviders</a> to add or edit SMS Provider.

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Go to <a href='%1'>Administer CiviCRM &raquo; Communications &raquo; FROMEmail Addresses</a> to add or edit general email addresses. Make sure theseemail addresses are valid email accounts with your email service provider. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Go to <a href='%1'>Administer CiviCRM &raquo; Communications &raquo; FROMEmail Addresses</a> to add or edit general email addresses. Make sure theseemail addresses are valid email accounts with your email service provider.

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non traduite
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Global CSV separator character. Modify this setting to enable import andexport of different kinds of CSV files (for example: ',' ';' ':' '|' ). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Global CSV separator character. Modify this setting to enable import andexport of different kinds of CSV files (for example: ',' ';' ':' '|' ).

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Given two date ranges, shows contacts who contributed in both the dateranges with the amount contributed in each and the percentage increase /decrease. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Given two date ranges, shows contacts who contributed in both the dateranges with the amount contributed in each and the percentage increase /decrease.

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Given the importance of auditability, extension developers are stronglydiscouraged from writing code to add, update or delete entries in thecivicrm_financial_item, civicrm_entity_financial_trxn, andcivicrm_financial_trxn tables. Before publishing an extension that does any of this, please ask for a special bookkeepingcode review for the extension. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Given the importance of auditability, extension developers are stronglydiscouraged from writing code to add, update or delete entries in thecivicrm_financial_item, civicrm_entity_financial_trxn, andcivicrm_financial_trxn tables. Before publishing an extension that does any of this, please ask for a special bookkeepingcode review for the extension.

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Give the user a choice of installments (e.g. donate every month for 6months)? If not, recurring donations will continue indefinitely. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Give the user a choice of installments (e.g. donate every month for 6months)? If not, recurring donations will continue indefinitely.

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Statut :
non traduite
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Get RSS 2.0 feed for current and future public events. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Get RSS 2.0 feed for current and future public events.

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Statut :
non traduite
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Generate your API Login and Transaction Key by logging in to your MerchantAccount and navigating to <strong>Settings &raquo; General SecuritySettings</strong>. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Generate your API Login and Transaction Key by logging in to your MerchantAccount and navigating to <strong>Settings &raquo; General SecuritySettings</strong>.

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Generally you will create a separate price field for each non-overlapping"class" of membership (e.g. National membership vs. Local Chaptermembership). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Generally you will create a separate price field for each non-overlapping"class" of membership (e.g. National membership vs. Local Chaptermembership).

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Statut :
non traduite
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General Membership (contribute at least $100.00 to be eligible for thismembership) Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

General Membership (contribute at least $100.00 to be eligible for thismembership)

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Statut :
non traduite
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Future versions of CiviCRM may require the PHP extension "%2". To ensurethat your system will be compatible, please install it in advance. For moreexplanation, see <a href="%1">the announcement</a>. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Future versions of CiviCRM may require the PHP extension "%2". To ensurethat your system will be compatible, please install it in advance. For moreexplanation, see <a href="%1">the announcement</a>.

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Statut :
non traduite
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Full description of event. Text and html allowed. Displayed on built-inEvent Information screens. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Full description of event. Text and html allowed. Displayed on built-inEvent Information screens.

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Statut :
non traduite
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Full Street Address without Country, State or Postcode Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Full Street Address without Country, State or Postcode

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Statut :
non traduite
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Full Phone Number Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Full Phone Number

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Statut :
non traduite
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Légende :
En cours
En attente
Avec avertissements
1 138 139 140 141 142 1243

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