Prio | Chaîne originale | Traduction | — |
Full Name of the Contact with prefixes and suffixes | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
Full Name of the Contact with prefixes and suffixes
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Frequency unit and interval allow option to store actual delivery frequencyfor a subscription or service. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
Frequency unit and interval allow option to store actual delivery frequencyfor a subscription or service.
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Frequency of subscription or service (e.g. journal delivered every twomonths). | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
Frequency of subscription or service (e.g. journal delivered every twomonths).
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Formatted name representing preferred format for display/print/otheroutput. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
Formatted name representing preferred format for display/print/otheroutput.
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Format for displaying addresses in the Contact Summary and EventInformation screens. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
Format for displaying addresses in the Contact Summary and EventInformation screens.
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Format addresses in mailing labels, input forms and screen display.Configure optional Address Standardization provider. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
Format addresses in mailing labels, input forms and screen display.Configure optional Address Standardization provider.
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Foreign Key to Note Privacy Level (which is an option value pair and hencean implicit FK) | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
Foreign Key to Note Privacy Level (which is an option value pair and hencean implicit FK)
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Foreign Key to ACL Role (which is an option value pair and hence animplicit FK) | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
Foreign Key to ACL Role (which is an option value pair and hence animplicit FK)
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For offline contributions you can record a bank transfer ID or otheridentifier if applicable. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
For offline contributions you can record a bank transfer ID or otheridentifier if applicable.
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For more information please refer to the <a href="!1">CiviCRMweb-site</a> which includes project information, documentation and supportresources and more. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
For more information please refer to the <a href="!1">CiviCRMweb-site</a> which includes project information, documentation and supportresources and more.
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For more advanced theming options, consult the <a href="%1">themedocumentation</a>. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
For more advanced theming options, consult the <a href="%1">themedocumentation</a>.
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For in-depth details about entities and actions, see the <a href='%1'target='%2'>API Explorer</a>. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
For in-depth details about entities and actions, see the <a href='%1'target='%2'>API Explorer</a>.
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For fixed period memberships, signups after this day (mmdd) rollover tonext period. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
For fixed period memberships, signups after this day (mmdd) rollover tonext period.
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For fixed period memberships, month and day (mmdd) on whichsubscription/membership will start. Period start is back-dated unless afterrollover day. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
For fixed period memberships, month and day (mmdd) on whichsubscription/membership will start. Period start is back-dated unless afterrollover day.
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For export to QuickBooks, export your Chart of Accounts and open in lowlevel text editor. You will be able to see the Account Type Code for eachaccount. Generally, they will be from the following list: BANK, AR,OCASSET, FIXASSET, OASSET, AP, OCLIAB, LTLIAB, EQUITY, INC, COGS, EXP,EXEXP (though there may be others in your version of QuickBooks). | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
For export to QuickBooks, export your Chart of Accounts and open in lowlevel text editor. You will be able to see the Account Type Code for eachaccount. Generally, they will be from the following list: BANK, AR,OCASSET, FIXASSET, OASSET, AP, OCLIAB, LTLIAB, EQUITY, INC, COGS, EXP,EXEXP (though there may be others in your version of QuickBooks).
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