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For example, in order to process a payment through, CiviCRMmust make a request to https to connect to insures that the connectionis encrypted, but it's possible that CiviCRM is actually connecting to anattacker and the attacker is connecting to | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
For example, in order to process a payment through, CiviCRMmust make a request to https to connect to insures that the connectionis encrypted, but it's possible that CiviCRM is actually connecting to anattacker and the attacker is connecting to
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For each import, you can either INSERT new membership records, or UPDATEexisting records. You can not do both types of operations in a singleimport session. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
For each import, you can either INSERT new membership records, or UPDATEexisting records. You can not do both types of operations in a singleimport session.
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For each import, you can either INSERT new event registration (participant)records, or UPDATE existing records. You can not do both types ofoperations in a single import session. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
For each import, you can either INSERT new event registration (participant)records, or UPDATE existing records. You can not do both types ofoperations in a single import session.
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For each import, you can either INSERT new contribution records, or UPDATEexisting records. You can not do both types of operations in a singleimport session. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
For each import, you can either INSERT new contribution records, or UPDATEexisting records. You can not do both types of operations in a singleimport session.
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For best results, the Country field should precede the State-Province fieldin your Profile form. You can use the up and down arrows on field listingpage for this profile to change the order of these fields or manually editweight for Country/State-Province Field. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
For best results, the Country field should precede the State-Province fieldin your Profile form. You can use the up and down arrows on field listingpage for this profile to change the order of these fields or manually editweight for Country/State-Province Field.
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For auto-renewing memberships the emails are sent when each payment isreceived | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
For auto-renewing memberships the emails are sent when each payment isreceived
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For a full list of options see the php <a %1>money_formatdocumentation</a>. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
For a full list of options see the php <a %1>money_formatdocumentation</a>.
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For Membership and Contact reminders, you can limit or additionally includerecipients by choosing specific contacts, or choosing a group. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
For Membership and Contact reminders, you can limit or additionally includerecipients by choosing specific contacts, or choosing a group.
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For Events, you can limit or additionally include recipients by participantrole (e.g. Volunteer, Speaker, etc.), choose specific contacts, or choose agroup. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
For Events, you can limit or additionally include recipients by participantrole (e.g. Volunteer, Speaker, etc.), choose specific contacts, or choose agroup.
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For Activities, the reminder recipients can be contacts Assigned to theactivity, contacts who created the activity (Activity Source), OR contactswhom the activity is with (Activity Targets). Alternatively you can directthe reminder to specific contacts (Choose Recipients), or to a group ofcontacts. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
For Activities, the reminder recipients can be contacts Assigned to theactivity, contacts who created the activity (Activity Source), OR contactswhom the activity is with (Activity Targets). Alternatively you can directthe reminder to specific contacts (Choose Recipients), or to a group ofcontacts.
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For 'inline' display custom sets, this title will appear as the fieldsetlegend. If you choose the 'tab' display style (which is available forContact record custom fields), the title will be used for the navigationtab. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
For 'inline' display custom sets, this title will appear as the fieldsetlegend. If you choose the 'tab' display style (which is available forContact record custom fields), the title will be used for the navigationtab.
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Footer message for Event Registration page. Text and html allowed.Displayed at the bottom of Event Registration form. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
Footer message for Event Registration page. Text and html allowed.Displayed at the bottom of Event Registration form.
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Folder to poll from when using IMAP (will default to INBOX when empty),path to poll from when using Maildir, etc.. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
Folder to poll from when using IMAP (will default to INBOX when empty),path to poll from when using Maildir, etc..
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First day of current continuous membership period. Start Date will beautomatically set based on Membership Type if you don't select a date. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
First day of current continuous membership period. Start Date will beautomatically set based on Membership Type if you don't select a date.
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First Name and Last Name OR an email OR an OpenID in the Primary Locationshould be set. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
First Name and Last Name OR an email OR an OpenID in the Primary Locationshould be set.
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