
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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Find records with tags (regular or tagset tag) which contain a complete orpartial word or phrase. EXAMPLE: If you have several tags that contain theword 'Donor', you can find contacts tagged with any of them by entering'Donor' in this field. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Find records with tags (regular or tagset tag) which contain a complete orpartial word or phrase. EXAMPLE: If you have several tags that contain theword 'Donor', you can find contacts tagged with any of them by entering'Donor' in this field.

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Find mailings by the name of the person who created or sent them. You canenter a complete OR partial name (last name, first name format). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Find mailings by the name of the person who created or sent them. You canenter a complete OR partial name (last name, first name format).

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Find contacts by partial or full name or email, type of contact, group,and/or tag. You can then view or edit contact details, print a contactlist, or use the <strong>- more actions -</strong> drop down list to assigntags, add contacts to groups, create smart groups, export contact data to aspreadsheet, and more. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Find contacts by partial or full name or email, type of contact, group,and/or tag. You can then view or edit contact details, print a contactlist, or use the <strong>- more actions -</strong> drop down list to assigntags, add contacts to groups, create smart groups, export contact data to aspreadsheet, and more.

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Financial types are used to categorize contributions for reporting andaccounting purposes. You may set up as many as needed, including commonlyused types such as Donation, Campaign Contribution or Membership Dues. Additionally, financial types can account for the inventory and expense of<a href="%1">premiums</a>. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Financial types are used to categorize contributions for reporting andaccounting purposes. You may set up as many as needed, including commonlyused types such as Donation, Campaign Contribution or Membership Dues. Additionally, financial types can account for the inventory and expense of<a href="%1">premiums</a>.

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Financial types are used to categorize contributions for reporting andaccounting purposes. These are also referred to as <strong>Funds</strong>.You may set up as many types as needed. Each type can carry an accountingcode which can be used to map contributions to codes in your accountingsystem. Commonly used financial types are: Donation, Campaign Contribution,Membership Dues... Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Financial types are used to categorize contributions for reporting andaccounting purposes. These are also referred to as <strong>Funds</strong>.You may set up as many types as needed. Each type can carry an accountingcode which can be used to map contributions to codes in your accountingsystem. Commonly used financial types are: Donation, Campaign Contribution,Membership Dues...

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Financial type assigned to paid event registrations for this event.Required if is_monetary is true. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Financial type assigned to paid event registrations for this event.Required if is_monetary is true.

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Financial accounts correspond to those in your accounting system.  <ahref="%1">Financial types</a>, <a href="%2">payment methods</a>, and <ahref="%3">premiums</a> are associated with financial accounts so thatthey can result in the proper double-entry transactions to export to youraccounting system. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Financial accounts correspond to those in your accounting system.  <ahref="%1">Financial types</a>, <a href="%2">payment methods</a>, and <ahref="%3">premiums</a> are associated with financial accounts so thatthey can result in the proper double-entry transactions to export to youraccounting system.

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Financial Account of account relationship of 'Expense Account is' is notconfigured for Financial Type : Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Financial Account of account relationship of 'Expense Account is' is notconfigured for Financial Type :

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Filter contact search results for this field using Contact get APIparameters. EXAMPLE: To list Students in group 3: Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Filter contact search results for this field using Contact get APIparameters. EXAMPLE: To list Students in group 3:

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Fill in a row for each membership type you want to offer as an option(click 'another choice' for each additional choice). Click the help iconfor more info on membership price sets. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Fill in a row for each membership type you want to offer as an option(click 'another choice' for each additional choice). Click the help iconfor more info on membership price sets.

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Files to be imported must be in the 'comma-separated-values' format (CSV).Most applications will allow you to export records in this format. Consultthe documentation for your application if you're not sure how to do this.Save this file to your local hard drive (or an accessible drive on yournetwork) - and you are now ready for step 1 (Upload Data). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Files to be imported must be in the 'comma-separated-values' format (CSV).Most applications will allow you to export records in this format. Consultthe documentation for your application if you're not sure how to do this.Save this file to your local hard drive (or an accessible drive on yournetwork) - and you are now ready for step 1 (Upload Data).

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Files to be imported must be in the 'comma-separated-values' format (CSV).Most applications will allow you to export records in CSV format. Consultthe documentation for your application if you're not sure how to do this. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Files to be imported must be in the 'comma-separated-values' format (CSV).Most applications will allow you to export records in CSV format. Consultthe documentation for your application if you're not sure how to do this.

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File type fields in the selected profile are not supported for Updatemultiple %1s Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

File type fields in the selected profile are not supported for Updatemultiple %1s

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File type field(s) in the selected profile are not supported for Updatemultiple records. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

File type field(s) in the selected profile are not supported for Updatemultiple records.

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File type field(s) in the selected profile are not supported for Updatemultiple participants. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

File type field(s) in the selected profile are not supported for Updatemultiple participants.

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En cours
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1 141 142 143 144 145 1243

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